Keeping It Local – Playing for the Hometown Folks at Creek Road Studios, Milford NJ
Tucked away on a semi-private street along lovely Hakihokake Creek is Creek Road Studio (12 Creek Road, Milford NJ-across the creek from Descendants Brewing and around the corner from the Post Office) The studio serves as art space and retail source for Pottery, Florals, Boutique clothing, and Local Art. Since its opening about a year-and-a-half ago, CRS has become a vibrant little hangout for local artists, live local music, and all kinds of other “small town” activities. Creek Road Studios has been hosting “bring a cooler and a lawn chair” music events on a regular basis and I’m tickled that I’m gonna get a chance to play for one. So…bring your lawn chairs, some refreshments and c’mon down to Creek Road Studios in Milford on Friday evening, Sept. 8, from 6-8 (FYI, there’s pizza, Chinese, Mexican, and several take-out options within reasonable walking distance. Milford Market sells beer & wine, too) Check the CRS facebook page for more info…